Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Washington vs. Westinghouse

I spent some time at the Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter School in Hyde Park, Massachusetts just on the outskirts of Boston.

There was a big college fair there, and I went to cover for a colleague. My directions gave an address of One Washington Plaza. I spent about an hour searching, asking, and guessing where it might be. Finally, I ran into a couple of APR graduates who hopped in my car and guided me there. The address was One Westinghouse Plaza! What a difference one word can make... A good lesson for a teacher!

The school was very nice, as schools go. It was located in a refitted Westinghouse factory. The people were friendly and gave me a great spot to join the fun. I also met some quality young people. They were impressive in their seriousness and maturity.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Books

This semester we are using some new books call Quest

Reading & Writing

Listening & Speaking

A New Semester

What a wonderful summer it was! I did a lot of local traveling and spent a lot of time with my family. We went camping several times, and did a lot of swimming, but I never took my sailboat out! It is all just a memory now...

I found this student waiting outside the first day of class.

We have a nice group of students this semester, and I think we are going to enjoy studying English together!

Here is what it looked like yesterday about 5:00 in the afternoon at the English Language Institute. I guess our crab apple tree needs to be pruned!