Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Language Learning Re-Education Continues

When I was in college, we had videos and some language laboratories to practice our German and French, but there is just no comparison to what is out there today regarding language learning and technology.

Over the last year or so, I have been learning more about teaching languages with technology. I had heard about Second Life from a colleague, so in April 2008 at the TESOL Convention in New York City, I attended a few presentations on SL. Just a few weeks later, my quest led me to St. Petersburg, Florida for the CIBER Business Language Conference there. That was an absolutely fantastic one. So, I kept learning more and more.

I continued playing and researching on the web. I attended the SLanguages 2008 teaching conference within Second Life and got hooked. I have since attended SLanguages 2009 in May, and just a few weeks ago the NCFLRC Language Teacher Education Conference in Washington, D.C.

So, I am developing a group of tools to use in my teaching as well as some ESL Teacher mentors that are doing some of the things I would like to do with my students.

Here are some cool tools...

Here are some cool teachers...
Nik Peachey
Jennifer Lebedev

This is what the future looks like...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 2009 Open House

All Open Houses at AUC are fun, but this past Sunday's was really great. I got to debut my new song "The AUC Admissions Song", and I met some really neat people. Several decided that they want to study with us. That is a blessing.

Here are a couple of shots...

Dr. Saturne's Welcome

Some Professors

(left to right) Natural Sciences Department Chair, Dr. Richard Brown; Art Professor Master, Wayne Hazen; Adult Degree Program Director, Dorothy Page

One of AUC's Finest

Everybody together, now!