At the afternoon meeting yesterday, Pastor Jose Cortes, Youth Director for the Greater New York Conference, presented a film about parent/youth relationships in the church and our failure as parents to hear them and model Christ to them.
The film was done by an Adventist fellow in conjunction with GNYC Youth Department. I commend Pastor Cortes on his vision and connection with the youth. Here is the link.

Following the sobering viewing, Jose spoke from the heart about being a parent and the love you have. He spoke about how love is spelled, T-I-M-E, TIME. He was emotional and eloquent. We were all moved and inspired to be better parents, adults, and youth mentors.
I am big on family building and making that our first mission field. I have known Jose Cortes for about 15 years going back to my Washington, D.C. days.
I hope we can bring this film to Atlantic Union College soon.
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